
                                            You cannot know this truth,
                                                                     young soul,
the world,
in its hurry,
is beyond your interpretation,
                     But what tears at you,
                     ails the world,
                     its deepest debts.
                                                                    so let her love you.

Cry between laughters
not moving as you wish is a frustrating thing, for everyone.

But let her love you,
          this woman, beautiful
outside any measure of control,
a power she cannot
                  and should not
                                                     Your island.
                                                     Your liberation.
                                                     The freedom of your vulnerability.

You see,
              the world needs you to let her love you.

                                                             For every blonde curl
                                                             she swipes from your face
                              she writes persuasions for your lasting peace.

             She desires you recklessly,
                                      without reserve,
                                 she suffers your rapture and rejoices.

So let her love you.
                The world needs to see as much,
                                          to read her persuasions,
                                the author, a young mother
                                beautiful and enslaved to her son.

So let her love you.
                You can't yet read or know the stories I might whisper to you.
                But the verses she strokes on your back, a language, just yours.

Read them,
                  let her write them,
                 especially in her youth,
      to little men, like you.

                                                        Show the world her persuasions,
                                                        young soul.
                                                        And may many armies shy away,
                                                        away from you far,
                                                        may heartbreak stray elsewhere,
                                                        and then nowhere,

Let her love you,
                    in her abandon.
Let her love you,
                    and by it,
                                                               save the world and her many sons,
                                                                                                    she might.